Introducion & setup

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Join us as we provide an overview of Infokiosk Creator and guide you through the installation process. Discover the user-friendly software for creating interactive and non-interactive digital signage projects.

Workspace & Layout: A Comprehensive Introduction

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Join us as we provide an overview of the general layout and guide you through the working environment of Infokiosk Creator. In this in-depth guide, we’ll walk you through the essential components of Infokiosk Creator, from widgets and toolbar to canvas and editing window. Gain a thorough understanding of the user-friendly interface, enabling you to create captivating digital signage projects effortlessly.

Creating Eye-Catching Sale Digital Signage

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Join us as in the 3rd part of our tutorial series, master the art of creating captivating digital signage posters that attract customers to your ongoing sale. Learn to use a variety of widgets, including Scrolling Text, Text, Background Widget, Page Timer (not a widget, but crucial!), and Shape Widget. Discover how to customize transitions between pages to create stunning visuals.

Designing Dynamic City Info Board

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In Tutorial #4, we delve into the realm of restaurant digital signage. Follow our guide to create a captivating digital menu display using Infokiosk Creator. Learn to design a vibrant daily menu showcasing three meal options created using text and image widgets. Discover the ease of background widget manipulation, including a subtle blur effect for an inviting ambiance. Elevate your restaurant’s visual identity with Infokiosk Creator’s creative capabilities.

Designing Engaging Digital Menu Display

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Tutorial #5 shows the creation of a dynamic digital info board for town squares and cities using Infokiosk Creator. Learn to design an essential hub of information for tourists, featuring vital details in a visually appealing layout. Explore the use of text and touch widgets, and discover the versatility of webpage widgets. Dive into the innovative technique of locking touch widgets with other elements for convenient manipulation. Elevate city exploration with your interactive city info board designed with Infokiosk Creator.